Alerte par rapport aux bandelettes Coagucheck (ROCHE DIAGNOSTICS)

Publié le 14 septembre 2018|Non classé


Les points essentiels de l’ alerte sont les suivants :


1.     Roche Diagnostics switched to the new WHO Standard (rTF/16) with CoaguChek strips calibrated to this in the market from January 2018

2.     Results from test strips calibrated to this latest Standard above 4.5 have an unexpected increasing positive bias when compared to Innovin-based lab methods.

3.     All results from the specified affected lots 4.5 and below are valid and can be acted on without confirmation with the laboratory

4.     Results above 4.5 from these lots should be confirmed against a laboratory method

5.     Roche Diagnostics is switching back to the previous standard (rTF/09)

6.     This is a temporary measure until new strips calibrated to previous standard become available in October/November.


SBN-POC-2018-03 Coaguchek


En clair (traduction de l’anglais) :

3 ·   Tous les  INR  par Coaguchek < ou = à 4.5  sont valides

4 ·   Tout INR > 4.5 doit être recontrôlé par laboratoire ( surtout si intervient une décision de donner de la vit K ou non)


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Maururu à tous.



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